I'm setting out to Braai every week for a year!
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This is a new journey for me so please join me as I share my braaiing adventures and mishaps while trying to create simple food inspired by childhood memories back in South Africa. I will also feature foods that we make and sell on our website www.biltong.co.uk blog about restaurants that I eat in, delis, butchers and food shops that we supply! I'm not a cook or a food writer (in fact I’m dyslexic and a guy who is going to learn how to cook) but I will be indulging in my intense love of good food and fresh produce.
Larry and his Big Green Egg
I was brought up in Johannesburg and came over to the UK in the late 1970's and in 1979 I set up the first Biltong Manufactures outside of South Africa to get EU approval to make Biltong, you can checkout our website at www.biltong.co.uk . Since then I've got married to Janet who is the other director of our company and in-charge of the manufacturing section of our business. We've had two great kids one of whom Lauren works closely with me as my manager running the day to day goings on at Susmans Best Beef Biltong Co Ltd.
I intend to develop this bog by cooking on my Braai once a week for a year, as well as doing the occasional restaurant and product reviews. All that I post and say will be merely my opinion, my experiences and in no way will I be influenced by others. It is not my intention to be rude or dishonest when carrying out any reviews as this is not my aim. I'm just setting out to bring a little joy to whomever takes the time to read my ramblings.
If I'm given any free goods, items or meals I will declare this but in no way will I let this influence my opinions (my wife has always said that I express it to often) on the outcome and what I say. However please note that I will be promoting and using produce from our company and goods that we sell on our website. To do a great deal of the cooking that I am about to undertake. As this is what I have been asked for by many of our facebook fans and fantastic customers. If during my cooking I come across products that I don't think are great I will say so but once again this is only going to be my opinion, you are free to disagree with me but don't try to turn it into a fight :-). Please feel free to let me know what you would like to see, as any help or comments are always appreciated.
You can comment on any blog that I post, so please be constructive, this is always appreciated but being just rude will not be tolerated and any profanity (this is going to a family friendly blog) or attempt to promote a commercial company of any sort will not be allowed without first seeking my permission.
Please note that all the recipes and photographs on this blog are copyrighted and that you may not use them without my express permission (ask nicely and I will always be reasonable, I never say no to a reasonable request). Please don't change, transform or add to my work and present it as your own because this will really tick me off and it's easy to spot.
Finally I hope that you enjoy this and that at some point it will make you life easier and brighter as I will be trying to cook (GOD help my wife and all who eat my creations) recipes that I have never tried before. Larry Susman.